Protect yourself with Protex P3

When faced with a pandemic influenza scare, worries about health during air travel are common. In buildings, minimum ventilation standards have to be met for occupants’ health and comfort. On an aircraft no such ventilation standards apply, and the ratio of fresh to recycled air on a typical jet is 50:50, but this varies among airlines and no definite figures are known.

Practical precautions to take if you’re worried about contracting any type of flu include; regular handwashing, using and disposing of tissues appropriately and using a face mask of the recommended level to protect yourself from airborne virus particles.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends masks with a P3 filtration system – the specialist filter protecting you from the flu virus particles.

Protex Respiratory Protection 3 Flight & Flu Face Mask is the recommended protection level as advised by WHO and The Health & Safety Executive. The Protex S3 facemask also protects against particulate dusts, fumes and pollens.

Additionally, the NHS under their Pandemic Influenza Guidance for infection control in hospitals and primary care settings, advice the use of P3 respirators such as the Protex Flight and Flu Mask.

Small and compact, the Protex Flight & Flu Face Mask is lightweight and durable. The elasticated straps hold it in place while its cotton inner coverstock fits the face comfortably.

Protex Flight & Flu Facemask costs £8.99 and is available from Delivery and VAT included.